How Can I Replace My Broken Window Glass?

Home windows are prone to several problems, and a bunch of them come unnoticed. Such unarming encounter with window defects may require the skills put in your baggage to rectify them. Replacing a broken window glass could be one of the easy things to do or one hazardous task at hand. Following are the parameters one should consider before trying his hand at replacements.

  • The size of the window pane.
  • Has the damage penetrated to the frame?
  • Is the glass busted into small shards which are hard to extract?
  • Is the sealing destroyed?

While a broken window is a loss to the serenity of your place, it can also result in lost energy efficiency, and who knows, it might become an entrance for burglars. Hire a residential glass repair service, or use this DIY method to get the window pane repaired or replaced.

How Do You Repair The Broken Window Pane?

Cracks in glasses never go unnoticed, and if they do, then there is probably a bigger hazard waiting for you ahead. You can either use clear packing tape, or an adhesive solvent to seal the cracks so they won’t expand to the corners.

  • Apply a small tape piece over the two ends to keep the glass from falling. Extend the tape where it goes past the cracks, and then press it firmly. Make sure you left no room for water seepage on the ends by folding the tape.
  • Adhesive solvents are simple and effective. Although the directions for usage are mentioned on the label, one can always resort to putting the solvent amidst cracks where it flows in the seals the glass together.

If it seems to be more problematic, then it is best recommended to hire a Dallas Glass Window Repair Service. Professionals can provide a permanent solution to it.

How Do You Replace The Broken Glass?

  • It starts with you measuring the frame size perfectly to the very edge of it.
  • Hire a local vendor for buying the glass. Make sure the size you order is 1/8 inch shorter in each direction. Also, opt for a double-thick layer as it is durable and carries more strength than the single type.
  • Initiate the shard removing process and clean the residue left.
  • Now roll the putty into a cord-like structure, and then apply it gently to the sides. Cover all four edges of the frame before placing the glass on the putty bed.
  • Now press the glass into the putty bed. Make sure you replace the sealing tape in case you are replacing a double glazed glass.
  • Things can always go south. Hence, if you are not sure of the process, call a residential glass repair service. It can replace the broken window glass for you.

Don’t You Know Who To Hire?

The craftsmen at Dallas Glass Family should be on your go-to list every time you encounter window damage. Besides, if you need custom glass shower doors for your bathrooms, replace glass tabletops, or in need of glass railings, we, at Dallas Glass Family will get these done for you as well. Contact us to know more.

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