How Can I Replace My Broken Window Glass?

Home windows are prone to several problems, and a bunch of them come unnoticed. Such unarming encounter with window defects may require the skills put in your baggage to rectify them. Replacing a broken window glass could be one of the easy things to do or one hazardous task at hand. Following are the parameters one should consider before trying his hand at replacements.

  • The size of the window pane.
  • Has the damage penetrated to the frame?
  • Is the glass busted into small shards which are hard to extract?
  • Is the sealing destroyed?

While a broken window is a loss to the serenity of your place, it can also result in lost energy efficiency, and who knows, it might become an entrance for burglars. Hire a residential glass repair service, or use this DIY method to get the window pane repaired or replaced.

How Do You Repair The Broken Window Pane?

Cracks in glasses never go unnoticed, and if they do, then there is probably a bigger hazard waiting for you ahead. You can either use clear packing tape, or an adhesive solvent to seal the cracks so they won’t expand to the corners.

  • Apply a small tape piece over the two ends to keep the glass from falling. Extend the tape where it goes past the cracks, and then press it firmly. Make sure you left no room for water seepage on the ends by folding the tape.
  • Adhesive solvents are simple and effective. Although the directions for usage are mentioned on the label, one can always resort to putting the solvent amidst cracks where it flows in the seals the glass together.

If it seems to be more problematic, then it is best recommended to hire a Dallas Glass Window Repair Service. Professionals can provide a permanent solution to it.

How Do You Replace The Broken Glass?

  • It starts with you measuring the frame size perfectly to the very edge of it.
  • Hire a local vendor for buying the glass. Make sure the size you order is 1/8 inch shorter in each direction. Also, opt for a double-thick layer as it is durable and carries more strength than the single type.
  • Initiate the shard removing process and clean the residue left.
  • Now roll the putty into a cord-like structure, and then apply it gently to the sides. Cover all four edges of the frame before placing the glass on the putty bed.
  • Now press the glass into the putty bed. Make sure you replace the sealing tape in case you are replacing a double glazed glass.
  • Things can always go south. Hence, if you are not sure of the process, call a residential glass repair service. It can replace the broken window glass for you.

Don’t You Know Who To Hire?

The craftsmen at Dallas Glass Family should be on your go-to list every time you encounter window damage. Besides, if you need custom glass shower doors for your bathrooms, replace glass tabletops, or in need of glass railings, we, at Dallas Glass Family will get these done for you as well. Contact us to know more.

The Pre And Post Activities You Should Be Performing On Your Glass Windows.

If the home is termed as the whole body, then windows are the eyes of it. Every home gets a set of windows installed for multiple reasons. Energy efficiency, aesthetics, ventilation, and many other features come alongside the windows of different sorts. When we look at the consequences of some common issues faced by homeowners with their glass windows, we instantly roll our fingers on the keypad to search for professional window repair services in Dallas, TX. Thanks to the Web World, we now have access to every service at our fingertips and it takes only a blink of an eye before an executive gets in touch with us.

Things To Consider Pre and Post Installation

You do need to analyze the temperature conditions before you call for new windows. Professionals at Dallas Glass Family offer their advice coming from the vast experience in this field to make sure you have the best piece installed at the forefront of your building. Here are a few things you should be concerned about while getting new windows or getting an old window pane replaced in Dallas.

  • A look at the weather conditions throughout the year. Since windows work best when resorted to moderate temperature and steep variations in it may lead to expansion and contraction which results in fog accumulation over the period. Make sure you have the right analysis of weather before choosing the type of windows for your home.
  • The professional work may sometimes land in the potholes of error. A faulty installation is often the root cause of frequent problems arising in your glass windows. When you hire a window repair service in Dallas, TX, make sure you do get the necessary background checks and have sufficient credible information about the quality of services.

As mentioned above, the climate does most of the damage to your windows and here’s what you should be doing to minimize the occurrence of these.

  • Do regular monitoring of windows. The drainage system around it, sealing, edges, frame and glass condition.
  • If some errors have arisen due to a lack of proper installation, make sure you notify the service provider.
  • Foggy windows, glass breakage, scratches, loose sealing exist commonly around the globe and this is why professionals are hired to eradicate the root cause of these.

If you are looking for a windowpane replacement service in Dallas, then you happen to have reached the right place at the very right time. Dallas Glass Family has got you covered. And not just windows, we provide you with the trendiest designs and installation of shower enclosures at your home, alongside glass railings and tabletops replacement as well.

Why Are Shower Enclosures Mentioned?

Well, with the audience going crazy over the crystal appearance frameless shower enclosures, we thought you might need them as well. Dallas Glass Family has his services expanded to various horizons and nothing is part-time here. We focus fully and equally on every service we ought to give out from here. Check out our official website to know more about us. State your requirements and we have a bunch of members tirelessly working on fulfilling those.

Who Do You Call For Repairing Your Windows In Dallas?

Windows do account for maximizing the beauty of your place. What looks like a piece of luxury and elegance becomes the very downgrading element of your home when damaged. Vinyl windows, glass windows, wooden frames, or aluminum fittings, it requires an expert particularly trained to work on them. When it comes to choosing window repairing services in Dallas, nobody tops the charts of consumer satisfaction other than the Dallas Glass Family.

It is a hard known fact that windows work as the eyes of a place. With being damaged, there exists every possibility of hindering the view of people living inside. The outside world, sunlight, cool breezes, and a whole lot of ventilation depends on windows. And you people still delay in getting the errors rectified. The following section doesn’t only elaborate on the determinants of choosing the company for window replacement in Dallas but also enable you to land on the right service provider. Here is everything you need.

Tips To Help You Choose The Window Repairing Service In Dallas

Repairing related to fixing the major problems and eliminating the minor errors so that these don’t arise again. Doing an overall inspection of the damaged window is an attribute of professionals. This doesn’t just eradicate the present problems but also creates a sound future for windows. Here’s why every professional service is different and what critical points determine the right service provider for your windows.

  • An Eye for Minute Errors: Old and weary windows may face loosened or jammed screws. Due to the variation in climatic conditions, windows get subjected to several problems which arrive without any prior notice. A highly-trained professional keeps an eye on the defect as well as investigations into its causes. It may require removing the old screws, re-sealing, and a thorough check-up of the frame.
  • Calculative: Climatic conditions are kept in mind while building modern homes these days. The old ones weren’t as calculative and ended up nailing the windows in the best way they can. The experts of today keep futuristic parameters in mind and try to minimize the margin of error that may arise in future.
  • Paying Attention To The Exterior Environment: What happens when you choose the Dallas Glass Family for having a shower enclosure in Dallas? A professional visit your home, checks-up your bathroom, sees which type of enclosure fits in well and try to take maximum risk factors into consideration.
  • Reputation Speaks For Itself: A person coming from a reputed company has got a lot to maintain. From on-site inspection of the off-site quotation, critical pointers are judged by homeowners. Window replacement in Dallas is affordable and easy to attain. A call to Dallas Glass Family is all it takes for services to set in motion.

Our Experts Carry The Above Attributes In Their Hats We, at the Dallas Glass Family, train our staff members to be precise about every word they utter and every task they perform. Offering shower enclosures in Dallas, tabletop repairing, and window repairing services in Dallas, we cover it all. A glance at our official website tells you the diverse service network we have, and our customer reviews tell you about the quality we offer. If there’s a problem with your windows, we are happy to help.

Cracked Glass Window Panes Could Do More Damage Than You Expect

Broken window screens, cracked glasses, distorted frames or loosened sealing, you can’t just protect your glass windows from falling in the traps of external damages. The climate being the primary source does a lot of damage. The rest is left to improper installation by professionals or a failed DIY project. Consequently, seeking a residential glass repair service becomes inevitable. You can’t control the natural forces but you can certainly put in the barriers to withstand harsh climate. What should you be doing in case you come across a defected window in your home? Well, first you should be on a run to stop your kids from running and going anywhere near the cracked glass window pane. Secondly, you should be calling a professional glass window repair service in Dallas.

What should you keep in mind when you spot a broken window?

Broken windows ask for nothing more than your immediate attention to them. Worse, your children could get harmed by coming in contact with glass shards on the ground. Being a DIYer, you must be carrying a DIY kit to prevent any drastic measures. For individuals across Dallas who are busy with their work, Dallas Glass Family is here to serve you.

We, at Dallas Glass Family, repair and replace your broken window glass, whatever the situation demands. Furthermore, we give a thorough inspection of the overall window to check any pre-existing installation defaults. The cause is extracted, the consequences are neutralized, and the next thing you know, your window panes are as fresh as new.

A luxurious feel that comes right within your budget

Shower enclosures have become a popular mode these days. Homeowners emphasize getting shower doors in their new homes. Many have replaced their shower curtains with custom glass shower doorsAnd why not? The benefits you reap from shower doors and enclosures at such economical prices are hard to find in any other medium.

If you are confused about whether to get one or not, then this is where you should precisely be. Custom Glass Shower Doors are more than just containment of showering area. It prevents water spillage, gives a unique luxurious look to your bathroom, and makes it look spacious. The best thing: you pay minimal or no maintenance charge at all. All it takes is a cloth wipe to clean the glass. The rest assured, it doesn’t go anywhere and does no trouble.

Where can you find the Economical Glass Repairing Service?

Homeowners in Dallas have long been served by the incredible service of Dallas Glass Family. We take deep pride in making our customers satisfied to the core. From pre-deal offers to post-sale follow-up actions, we do it all. We aim to maintain a healthy relationship with our customer. The reason why our residential glass repair service surfs at the pinnacle of window repair service in Dallas is our continuous serving of quality. Perhaps, giving us a try would be the start of your home makeover journey.

Why should you keep your Windows and Doors Maintained all the Time?

There is no denying the fact that your windows and doors are an important part of your home’s energy efficiency, security, and appeal. When you take care of your windows and doors, they take care of you in return. When you perform proper maintenance, your windows perform better, last longer, and look more appealing. When you don’t take care of your windows and they are not maintained properly, you might also have to get expert residential window replacement services and spend extra money.

Why should you Keep your Windows Maintained?

When your windows and doors are kept maintained, they protect you from harsh weather conditions. As these are exposed to constantly changing climate and outside world conditions, some wear and tear are quite common. Just because they keep your home protected from different conditions doesn’t mean that they are invincible. You have the same responsibility towards them. 

When these cracks and damages accumulate over time, they reduce the life of your windows and doors. In order to prevent this from taking place, you will have to make sure that you keep your windows and doors properly maintained. When you have wooden windows and doors, remember that they are more susceptible to rotting, cracks, and mildew. They need more care and attention in comparison to other types of materials like aluminum and vinyl.

What to do to maintain your Windows and Doors?

  • When we are talking about maintaining your windows and doors, it starts with cleaning. While you clean, you must also check for gaps and cracks. As per the studies, if you have gaps and cracks in your windows and doors, they can increase your energy bill by up to 10%. As soon as you find any gaps or cracks, caulk and seal them immediately. You must also check your weather stripping and if needed, replace it. 
  • When you have wooden windows and doors, you must know that they are most prone to rots and decays. If your doors and windows are too old, chances are that you might have to get residential glass services in Dallas to get them solved. The service provider will come to your home to take a look at your windows and doors to provide you with the required solutions.

Where to get the Best Residential Window Replacement Services in Dallas?

When your windows and doors are not functioning properly, it becomes difficult to live in your home. The best thing you can do at this moment is get in touch with Dallas Glass Family to get our residential window replacement services. We specialize in all types of residential glass services in Dallas. We have been in the industry for the last several years and in these years, we have helped many homeowners with our expert services. You just have to let us know what you are looking for and we will customize our services in accordance with that. From show enclosures to glass table tops, we can help you with all types of residential glass services in Dallas

How can Vinyl Window Replacement Services benefit you?

By replacing your old, worn out windows, you can give your home a makeover. After you have decided that you want to get a window replacement for your home, you will have to think about the type of windows you want in your home. In the market, there are a lot of options like wood, vinyl, and fiberglass that you might want to consider. As each type of window material has its own set of advantages, you will have to check them closely and see which one fits your requirements the best.

In the last few years, vinyl windows have gained a lot of popularity. There are also many vinyl window replacement services providers who can provide you with customized services to meet your unique requirements. Let’s find out why people are so much interested in getting vinyl windows for their home.

  • Energy Efficient
    When a homeowner decides to make certain changes in your house, they aim at enhancing comfort without increasing the energy costs. In this regard, your windows have a major role to play. Your windows have a great impact on the energy efficiency of your home. Vinyl windows are known to be a great option when you wish to reduce utility bills in your home. They can keep your homes warm in winter and cool in summer and hence, ensuring that you have a comfortable temperature in your home throughout the year. They create a solid seal around the glass panes and hence, prevent air leakage and hence, offer better insulation. This will save you from spending extra money on heating or cooling your home.
  • Aesthetic Appeal
    You will agree with us if we say that windows are capable of enhancing the look of your home from both inside and outside. Out of different options, we find vinyl windows as an amazing option to beautify your home. You can find them in a variety of colors and designs to match your personal style, taste, and preferences. You can apply color directly with pigments on the material. Moreover, the vinyl windows come with thermoplastic features due to which you can give window frames your preferred shape and textures.
  • Low Maintenance
    With technological advancements, vinyl windows have become quite efficient than before. It is obvious that you will have to invest a significant amount in window replacement; you better go for window options that are durable and will last for years. In this regard, vinyl windows make a great option as you won’t have to spend a lot of money keeping their look intact for long. Moreover, most vinyl windows are scratch-free, water resistant, and don’t suffer much wear and tear over time. You can use them however you want without having to face any kind of hassle.

When you want to get vinyl window replacement services in your home, Dallas Glass Family is the company that you must get in touch with. We have been in this industry for years and we know how to help our clients with their requirements. We also specialize in foggy glass window repair. You just have to let us know what window services you are looking for and you will be provided with exactly that.

Fixing Broken Window Panes By Yourself Isn’t Always The Best Option!

Having a broken window pane can seriously lead to a potential hazard. As much as you’d like to try your hands at fixing it, you shouldn’t! A professional is best suited to analyze the damage from every angle and give it an apt fixation. DIYers are often found replacing or repairing their single pane glass window, but there is more to just sealing the edges. If you continuously come across your glasses getting cracked, fog getting accumulated, or a frame getting distorted, then you should probably call an expert to look deep into the matter.

A thorough evaluation would tell you the exact cause of damage. The fact that homes are occupied with kids and pets that giggle, play, and run inside without a second thought of shattered glass makes them more prone to accidents. Therefore, hiring the single pane glass replacement service at the earliest is always recommended.

Those breakage cuts aren’t toys to play with!

A cracked or shattered window leaves behind small shards stuck in the frame. This repairing task isn’t done out of curiosity, but out of caution! Handling glass pieces can cause cuts or injuries of several kinds. It is highly recommended that you should keep yourself away from coming in hazard’s way. Calling a professional would help you gather additional information, carry out unforeseen damages, and will land to the root cause of your problem. How about putting in a dehumidifier to prevent fog accumulation on your windows and it turns out the broken frame is allowing the moisture to seep through? Instead of spending money on gadgets which do nothing hire an expert to carry out a full inspection of the window.

Stop putting in temporary fixes.

If you can’t address the real problem, you can’t provide a real solution. That is the case with DIYers these days. There is no harm in taking up multiple stuff to work on but not being able to fully rectify it is of no use. The certified professional might offer you to get a toughened glass installed to minimize the damage. He better knows how to repair the single pane window glass and will even provide a permanent solution for your problem.

Enhance your interior with new window panes.

Calling it a brighter side, this gives you an opportunity to get new windows in place. Replace your single pane window glass with a new one that has a better outlook and increased stress endurance as well. Consulting an expert would give you a chance to floor a variety of options. You come across new technological up-gradation, processed glasses and much more. Save yourself from spending again and again on a single structure only to find out that it isn’t exactly suited to your surroundings.

Where do you get highly trained professionals?

The internet is flooded with companies that offer you highly toughened, advanced technology, and multi-purpose windows. You just need to choose the right one. At Dallas Glass Family, you get to pick your own designs and are floored through a wide range of options. A mere look at the previous projects undertaken would give you an accurate picture of how the company works. Get your single pane window glass repaired today.

What to Keep in Mind when Choosing Shower Enclosures for your Bathroom?

When someone talks about bathroom remodeling, we cannot think of a better way than adding style and feature to your bathroom with shower enclosures. They are functional and add a sense of taste in your bathroom. In recent times, more and more people are interested in getting one or the other type of shower enclosure in their bathroom. Based on what you need for your bathroom, you can find several options in the market.

Consider your bathroom décor and requirements so that you can make your choice in accordance with that. Before you go shopping for the right shower enclosure, you better make sure that you have kept a few important things in mind that will help you in making the right choice.

  • Available Space
    When you have the area in mind where you will be installing your shower enclosure, the choice becomes much easier. You can simply let your contractor know what size is available in your home and so that he can show you options on the basis of that. The design of your shower enclosure will also depend on how spacious your bathroom is. For a spacious bathroom, a separate shower enclosure with a shower cabinet can be set up. But if the space is limited, the shower enclosure will either be built above the bathtub or with a section that is opaque.
  • Style
    There is no reason why your shower enclosure can’t fit your requirements. For every bathroom style, there is a shower enclosure that you would want to buy. You can check different available options in the market to see which one fits your requirements for the perfect bathroom look. It is still okay of you don’t find the right option because you can get them customized as per your needs. Be it the opening around the shower or the shower placement, you can always find what you are looking for. So, you better take a look at your space where you want to install your shower enclosure.
  • Thickness
    The thickness of your shower enclosure is also an important aspect that you must consider. It is not just glass that shower enclosures are made up of. Based on your budget you can choose the material and the thickness of your shower enclosure. They are available in glass, plastic, and thick waterproof fabrics for shower screens. There are a number of factors on which the size, color, and thickness of the enclosure will depend. The number of people who will use the bathroom is also an important consideration that cannot be avoided.

Dallas Glass Family is a popular glass company that has been in the industry for the last many years. Over these years, our team has gained expertise in different types of residential glass services that our customers might be interested in. Be it window replacement or shower enclosures installation, our team can help you with your all types of requirements. You just have to let us know what you are looking for and we will get that for you.

Window Replacement or Glass Replacement: What to get in your Situation?

Window replacement or glass replacement! Most homeowners are often seen struggling to find the right answer to this question. If you have also been there, relax because you are not alone. Even the glass companies receive calls from the customers for window repair that turns out to be either single pane glass replacement or complete window replacement. That’s why you are better off when you get in touch with the experts for solution.


There are a few things that can help you find solutions and answers to the confusion you have been going through. Let’s take a look at these.

Whole Window Replacement or Glass Replacement

There are a few common problems that make homeowners consider window or glass replacement services. They are:

  • Condensation between the glass panes
  • Cracks in the glazing (glass)
  • Drafty windows
  • High energy bills
  • Leaks around the window frame
  • Rot in the window frame

Typically, most window experts recommend the whole window replacement. Glass replacement is suggested only in a few cases.

What does Glass Replacement Mean?

Window glass replacement involves the removal of the glass from the window sash or frame or depending on how your window is made. It is often recommended when your window frame is new or in a good condition but the window glass has either broken or cracked.

What does Whole Window Replacement Mean?

When you are getting the whole window replacement, you get the whole unit completed including the glass, sash, and everything. If your windows are old, inoperable, in poor working condition, or have single pane glass, replacing the whole window is a good option.

When is Glass Replacement a Good Option?

Glass replacement is your option only when your window frame is in a good shape or new and it is just glass that has got damaged or broken. It is also a good option when you are looking for single pane window glass repair.

When is Window Replacement a Better Option?

It is more than just replacing the window glass. You get the whole window unit removed and install a new one that is better in terms of functioning. By replacing windows, you get a long-term solution to condensation between the window glasses. Moreover, when you are taking up the whole window replacement, you can get single pane glass replacement and enjoy improved energy efficiency in your home.

Apart from the operational benefits, new windows also improve the overall aesthetic appeal of your home by giving it an all-new look. It also adds to the resale value of your home.

If you have been in search of the experts for glass replacement or window replacement, Dallas Glass Family is the company you must get in touch with. We have years of experience in both single pane glass replacement and single pane window glass repair and will ensure that get the services you have been looking for. To learn more about what we have got to offer, you can also visit our official website.

One-Stop Spot for Every Person Looking for Glass Repairing Services

Reinstate the serenity your home once had when it got new windows installed. The then trendy windows might be broken or outdated by now, but there exists every possibility for your windows to regain their style by subjecting them to the right residential glass window repair service. Nobody does it better than the Dallas Glass Family. The company serves you with:

  • Shower Enclosures.
  • Screens and Solar Screens.
  • Window Repair/Replacement Services.
  • Vinyl Replacement.
  • Table Tops and Counter Tops.

Working on certain benchmarks, the company works on defining a look that goes beyond your imagination. Reach our official website and instantly get in touch with us!